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1. icon: author Söke Dinkla «Virtual Narrations From the crisis of storytelling to new narration as mental potentiality»
only in individual works, such as John Cage's «Writing for the second time through Finnegans Wake,» 1977, and Werner Nekes' experimental film «Uliisses,» 1982, but is also expressed more generally in complexly structured content, in which [more]more
2. icon: author Rudolf Frieling «Form Follows Format Tensions, Museums, Media Technology, and Media Art»
[50] Cf. exhib. cat. Eigenwelt der Apparate-Welt. Pioneers of Electronic Art, The Vasulkas/David Dunn (eds.), Ars Electronica, Linz, 1992. A similarly unusual exhibition of ‹visionary› apparatuses, but one that represented a historical advance, was shown four years later in Budapest under the title «The Butterfly Effect.» Cf. also the even more comprehensive history of viewing machines and pictorial worlds in the Werner Nekes collection: Bodo von Dewitz/Werner Nekes (eds.), Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst!, Göttingen, 2002. [more]more