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1. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
1960s, when Hans Magnus Enzensberger criticized that the mass media artificially separated the producer from the consumer,[7] Max Neuhaus had just begun working on a series of pieces for radio that demonstrated the potential for openness. In «Public Supply [more]more
2. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
but also to Cage and Paik: sound installation and ambient music. The sound installation, developed at the end of the 1960s by Max Neuhaus, Maryanne Amacher and others, pursues amongst other things two of the objectives emphasized by Satie: Firstly, not to simply [more]more
3. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
was built as a spherical auditorium, in which sounds could be moved electro-acoustically in three dimensions.[48] In 1967 Max Neuhaus reversed the customary direction of thought, thus attaining a new kind of musical space: the sound installation. Music should [more]more