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1. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
understanding of music, like the etherophone imitating for example a romantic espressivo style. Sound composition When Karlheinz Stockhausen produced «Studie I» in the newly equipped NWDR studio in 1953, he did not use the available musical [more]more
2. icon: author Golo Föllmer «Audio Art»
works. Even before Varèse allowed sound masses and surfaces to be electronically mobilized in the Philips Pavilion, Karlheinz Stockhausen treated space as a design parameter equal to pitch, volume, duration and timbre—in 1956 in his five-channel piece [more]more
3. icon: author Heike Helfert «Technological Constructions of Space-Time Aspects of Perception»
area, musique concrète (for example, the work of Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry) is opposed to electronic music (Karlheinz Stockhausen).[35] The use of images or sounds that maintain a link to external reality is here opposed to the artistic new creation of [more]more