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techniques, suggesting instead that that the essentially traditional and all-embracing term ‹computer art› should be applied to the phenomenon of digitality in the arts, because it implies a historical and integrative element that makes connections with a comparative examination of computer art possible. He uses the term to place newer work from recent years into what he calls a «family relationship» with the computer art of the 1960s and 1970s.

As a complement to the more fundamental texts, Tilman Baumgärtel reflects in « Modification, Abstraction, Socialization. On some aspects of artistic computer games» on the possibility of modifying games , as this is now a more or less standard features computers offer, and has arrived in artists' studios as well as children's rooms through «Doom» and «Quake». His contribution deals with the art that has emerged from examining games. He focuses on artists who have mastered computer game codes and used them as a basis for works of their own. But it seems to the in the nature of this subject matter that artists do not restrict themselves to ‹merely› working on the code, but have concerned themselves with all facets of the


complex theme of computer games. Excursions into the ‹more traditional› fields of art production—like painting, installation or video—are expressly included here.

New generative tools are constantly being developed both as commercial software like the Koan music software or as an artistic statement—for this see also Sven Bauer, who developed his «Fünf Räume» (Five rooms) project for this key topic. So generative tools are used in all fields of artistic creation, expanding the possibilities for presentation, distribution and interdisciplinary work. All the textual contributions refer to currently produced works of art. However, this survey is impeded by the different approaches used to develop and present platforms and applications temporarily at festivals and network forums. The corresponding projects cannot always be found on the Web. Some projects only run for a certain length of time for conceptual reasons, sometimes websites are switched off or put to different use. A fully differentiated discussion about the artistic quality of generative artworks has only just got under way. The selection of texts brought together in «Generative

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