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Egon Bunne «Alles wandelt sich»

Egon Bunne «Everything Changes»

Categories: Video | Text

Keywords: East/West

Germany | 8'

 Egon Bunne
«Everything Changes»

Using Bertolt Brecht's poem «Everything Changes,» Egon Bunne visualizes a very personal view of continuities and confrontations between National Socialist Germany and post-Wall Germany in 1989. With text inserts and voiceovers (by Wolfgang Neuss), archive and documentary footage (incl. the fall of the Berlin Wall), the tape creates a dense kaleidoscopic collage of German identity between the Brechtian prologue («Nothing stays the way it is») and the epilogue borrowed from playwright Heiner Müller («Nothing is the way it stays»).
The tape is characteristic of the resolutely videographic work by Egon Bunne who, alongside his own art productions, has since the early 1980s worked as producer and editor on projects ranging from the video magazine «Infermental» to the TV magazine «VAMP.»


Rudolf Frieling