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Dieter Roth «Dot»
Dieter Roth, «Dot», 1960
Filmstill | © Dieter Roth

Dieter Roth «Dot»Dieter Roth «Dot»Dieter Roth «Dot» | play videoDieter Roth «Dot» | play video

Categories: Film

Keywords: Light

3' | Archive / Collection: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Archive Sohm, Stuttgart

 Dieter Roth

A film made up exclusively by dots which, as holes in the black film stock, reduce the film image to its cardinal element, namely light. In contrast to the often smooth aesthetics of Light and Kinetic art, the dots lose none of their organic vitality. Rot's book objects with holes were created by comparable methods – 'bok 1956-59', for instance, or 'black page with holes'.
The expansive body of inter-media work created by Diter Rot from the 1950s onward includes 40 volumes of collected works, book objects, drawings, prints by various, often self-invented, techniques, objects of frequently ephemeral character (made, for example, of bird food, chocolate or mildew). He began to make films in 1957, followed by records and videotapes in later years. These multi-faceted expressive forms add up to a labyrinthine artistic fabric which is no less homogeneous in posture than it is heterogeneous in appearance.