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Friederike Anders «The Memory of the Woman in White»
Friederike Anders, «The Memory of the Woman in White», 1997
© Friederike Anders

Stahl Stenslie «Erotogod»

 Friederike Anders
«The Memory of the Woman in White»

A database of the mad methods of a female assassin, with a click-on, click-off photo-novel and keyword browser for the World-Wide Web. The protagonist is a chimera of dubious nature who retains several fixed characteristics. For example, she always wears white and appears remarkably often in the role of victim. By making use of the database and various clues in her hotel room, it is up to the user to reconstruct – or recreate – her transient identity, unknown due to loss of memory. 'She could be found within any bride or nurse and yet, at the same time she is like a blank page. Everyone can imagine her but nobody knows her. On close inspection, her innocent-looking linen dress is revealed to be an evening gown covered in feathers. She also possesses magical powers. Red spots appear, for example, on the white dress. Is she an assassin, a prostitute or an agent? (Friederike Anders). An overview of women in white, familiar to us from images seen in the cinema, on TV and in the press, invites the user to embark on a comparative study of paranoia, by recognising certain patterns of behaviour.