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Karlheinz Stockhausen «Gesang der Jünglinge»

Karlheinz Stockhausen «Gesang der Jünglinge»

Categories: Audio Art

Keywords: Music

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icon: authorGolo Föllmer «Audio Art»

Germany | Edition / Production: WDR Studio für elektronische Musik

Laetitia Sonami «Lady's Glove»

 Karlheinz Stockhausen
«Gesang der Jünglinge»

Working on the electronic composition «GESANG DER JÜNGLING» was founded on the concept of harmonizing sung tones with electronically generated tones. (...) At certain points in the composition, the sung tones are understood as words; at other points, they have only the value of sounds. Between these extremes are reached different levels of word-related clarity.
Karlheinz Stockhausen