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Olaf Breuning «Group» | Steve
Olaf Breuning, «Group», 2001
Steve | Photography | © Olaf Breuning
From the Series "Group", "Sam", "Steve"

Olaf Breuning «Group»Olaf Breuning «Group» | Steve
Switzerland | Fotografie, C-Print, verschiedene Größen | Colour Picture

 Olaf Breuning

In «Group» animal-like monstermen grimace to the camera like in »Steve«, »Ruben« or »Sam,« dressed in jeans in front of a red glowing djungle sky. Everything has changed somehow. The human has turned animal as if belonging to hords.
Again this work questions masculinity, borders of bodies, phantasies of identity in a time where everything is afloat.

C-print, measures variable.


Yvonne Volkart