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Achim Wollscheid «light-net»
Achim Wollscheid, «light-net», 1999
© Achim Wollscheid

Achim Wollscheid «light-net»Achim Wollscheid «light-net»Achim Wollscheid «light-net»Achim Wollscheid «light-net»Achim Wollscheid «light-net»Achim Wollscheid «light-net»

Keywords: Interaction | Light

Works by Achim Wollscheid:

imaginary soundscapes


Allan Kaprow »Hello«

 Achim Wollscheid

Function happens only if the onlooker acts. Voices or movement, if connected with sound, generate impulses for the net elements. Moving patterns consisting of diverse pulsation flash-light sequences accompany or mirror the movement of the sound.
Light, in this case, doesn't illuminate – it is information defining the status of a light composition in relation to its trigger. At the same time, the light itself becomes a trigger as soon as the movement, seeing its sonic impulse mirrored in moving lights on the system, becomes reflexive. Then it changes, and likewise its transformation on the network.
Space thus becomes an interface, a 3-D input for information – the latter intersected by a screen, which feeds back to the input the output of the transformed information.


Achim Wollscheid