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Tobias Rehberger «Lying around lazy»
Tobias Rehberger, «Lying around lazy» Not even moving for TV, sweets, Coke, and vaseline, 1999
Photography | Photograph: Christof Hierholzer, Museum für Neue Kunst/ZKM | ©

Tobias Rehberger «Lying around lazy» | Lying around lazy (1999)Tobias Rehberger «Lying around lazy»
Germany | 310*87*330 cm (W*H*D) | Archive / Collection: Collection Charles Asprey, London

 Tobias Rehberger
«Lying around lazy: Not even moving for TV, sweets, Coke, and vaseline»

In the throes of Techno- and Lounge Culture of the 1990s, many artistic designs were created for furnishings and exhibitions addressing the reception of electronic works. While Dan Graham could be said to have developed the public character of this situation, Rehberger designed, as clarified by the title, ironic and yet functional pieces of furniture which today are found largely in private collections. While Graham most notably tried to place the video tape and communicative situation in the context of an exhibition, Rehberger is largely concerned with Pop aesthetics, TV-Design, and reflections on our omnipresent television culture.