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Helmut Mark «untitled»
Helmut Mark, «untitled», 1985 – 1986
© Helmut Mark

Helmut Mark «untitled»Helmut Mark «untitled»

Categories: Sculpture | Video

Keywords: Material | Object

Works by Helmut Mark:

Transit – a Mediative Sculpture

Photograph: Josef Fallnhauser

 Helmut Mark

A cast concrete sculpture and a small monitor: the contrast between the heavy material and the immaterial computer image of a sequence of rectangles is held together by the overall sculptural form. The statics of the materials and the predictability of the image interact with each other like the standing and trailing legs of a classical nude sculpture. And isn't almost everything built of concrete today calculated beforehand on a monitor?
With a series of related, equally minimalistic-constructivist video sculptures, Helmut Mark is one of the few artists who make sense of this category, which was intensely propagated in the mid-1980s.