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Marcel Broodthaers «Section Cinéma»
Marcel Broodthaers, «Section Cinéma», 1971 – 1972
1971 | Photography | © ;

 Marcel Broodthaers
«Section Cinéma»

the «Section Cinéma» that forms the seventh installment of his well-known museum fiction called the «Musée d’art Moderne, Départment des Aigles.» A project which ran for four years from 1968 to 1972 and saw twelve different editions before being dissolved at Documenta 5. The «Section Cinéma» was located in a cellar at Burgplatz 12 in Düsseldorf from January 1971 to October 1972 (see the invitation card to «Section Cinéma»). In a figurative sense, this subterranean space functioned as both a foundational and an archaeological site, which continuously wavered between a state of construction and dismantlement. In a more literal sense, the «Section Cinéma» fulfilled the combined function of storage facility, meeting place, production studio, film theater, and exhibition gallery.
Eric de Bruyn