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Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz» | Valenti Figueres + S.I.C. The Liquid Sky of the Stubnitz: The Storm of the 701 Water Glasses
Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz, «stubnitz», 1991 – 1994
Valenti Figueres + S.I.C. The Liquid Sky of the Stubnitz: The Storm of the 701 Water Glasses | © Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz
Originally part of the GDR deep-sea fishing fleet, the ‘Stubnitz' was due to be scrapped, but instead, in 1991–92 in the port of Rostock in eastern Germany, it was converted by a group of Austrian, Swiss and German artists into a centre [more]more

Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz»Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz»Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz»Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz»Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz» | Valenti Figueres + S.I.C. The Liquid Sky of the Stubnitz: The Storm of the 701 Water GlassesKunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz «stubnitz»

Categories: Context

Keywords: Exhibition | Group


Sommerer/Mignonneau «A-Volve»

 Kunst-Raum-Schiff MS Stubnitz

Originally part of the GDR deep-sea fishing fleet, the ‘Stubnitz' was due to be scrapped, but instead, in 1991–92 in the port of Rostock in eastern Germany, it was converted by a group of Austrian, Swiss and German artists into a centre for the production and display of art. This floating media workshop and exhibition venue had satellite dishes for receiving TV and the Internet, spaces for Performances, a conference room (the former officers' mess) and cabins for travelling artists. The ‘stubnitz kunst.raum.schiff' project first set sail in the summer of 1994: on its ‘baltic.tour '94' the ‘Stubnitz' docked in St Petersburg (July), Malmö (August) and Hamburg (September), each time offering a full programme of conferences, seminars, exhibitions, workshops and concerts. Attempts to acquire further financial support having failed, the ‘Stubnitz' returned to Rostock at the end of September 1994 and the end of ‘stubnitz kunst.raum.schiff' was announced. The project had been guided by a vision of cultural exchanges in Europe that would ignore international borders, using the freedom of the open sea as a metaphor.