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Walker Evans «Subway Portraits»
Walker Evans, «Subway Portraits»
Photography | © Walker Evans
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Source: Walker Evans, Subway and Streets, hrsg. von Sarah Greenough, National Gallery of Art, Washington 1991, S. 28

Walker Evans «Subway Portraits»Walker Evans «Subway Portraits» | The Passengers

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 Walker Evans
«Subway Portraits»

In the 1930s Evans photographed passengers in the New Yorker Subway. Using a 35mm camera hidden under his coat he captured the person opposite unobserved. This selection of portraits of women, intended for an earlier unpublished version of «Many Are Called,» which Evans called «The Passengers (Hidden Camera in the New York Subway)», was compiled around 1961. Sarah Greenough said of The Passengers: «[It] emphasizes the mug-shot-like quality of some of the photographs.» (Sarah Greenough, «Many Are Called and Many Are Chosen. Walker Evans and the Anonymous Portrait,» in: Walker Evans, Subways and Streets, ed. Sarah Greenough, Washington 1991 (pp. 13–46), p. 27). The complex work of Walker Evans combines confronting the surveillance and depicting process used by the police with other aspects – such as generating the anonymous in the realm of modern urban life.