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Superflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel: Bangkok Studio
Superflex, «Superchannel»
Superchannel: Bangkok Studio | © Superflex
Web-Link: Project site Superchannel
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Superflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel homepageSuperflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel: Bangkok StudioSuperflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel: «Superfreidrich»Superflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel: «Superteens»Superflex «Superchannel» | Superchannel: «Tenant Spin»

Categories: Television | Internet

Keywords: Participation

Denmark | Concept: Superflex/Sean Treadway

Isabell Heimerdinger «Interiors»


Superchannel is a network of local studios used by people and communities as discussion forum, presentation medium and a physical gathering place. It is a tool that enables you to produce internet TV directly engaging usesrs in the creation and evolution of content.

Superchannel is a growing numbers of channels producing their own interactive TV on the Internet. During live productions the viewers can communicate directly through a chat with the producer and with the other viewes. All productions are archived, so viewers can continue to watch and discuss them.

The first Superchannel started as an experiment in a gallery space in Copenhagen. The second studio was opened in a towerblock in Liverpool. Since then there has been opened more than 20 studios in very different locations.

Superchannel is a collaboration between Superflex and Sean Treadway.
