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unbekannt (unknown) «Tri-Ergon optical sound recording»
unbekannt (unknown), «Tri-Ergon optical sound recording», 1922
1930 saw the first attempts to produce radio plays with the Tri-Ergon-Technology (Walter Ruttmann's collage «Weekend» and Friedrich Bischoff's «Hörsymphonie»: «Hallo! Hier Welle Erdball». The bureaucrats, however, condemmned this technology for being influenced by Bolshevist ideas. Thus the attempt was a failure, the patents sold abroad and radio art had to wait for many more years to be able to use the Tri-Ergon technology. (Hermann Naber)

 unbekannt (unknown)
«Tri-Ergon optical sound recording»

In 1922, the Tri-Ergon Light-Tone process, which inscribes sound as a light track on the edge of filmstrips, is first presented in Berlin and becomes in its time one of the leading sound-movie techniques. The name Tri-Ergon refers to its three inventors: Vogt, Massolle und Engl.

One of the first Tri-Ergon-Productions was «Weekend» by Walter Ruttmann and «Hallo! Hier Welle Erdball!» by Friedrich Bischoff and Werner Milch.