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Joseph Beuys «Election Poster for the Green Party»
Joseph Beuys, «Election Poster for the Green Party», 1979 – 1980

E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology »Experiments in Art and Technology - Dokumente«| Marcel Odenbach »Sich selbst bei Laune halten!«

 Joseph Beuys
«Election Poster for the Green Party»

Beuys's political commitment started in 1967 when the 'Deutsche Studentenpartei' (German Students‘ Party) was founded and led via the FIU 'Freie Internationale Universität für Kreativität und interdisziplinäre Forschung' (Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research) in 1973 to his co-foundation of the 'Grünen' (Green Party) on 17 March 1979. In June 1979 he was Green candidate for the direct elections to the European Parliament and designed this poster for the party. In his associated address he said 'I am standing for the 'Greens' because it has becomes clear that everything we include in our life becomes meaningless of life itself is threatened. (…) I work for the 'Greens' as they are more than the other parties‘ bad conscience and I am standing for them because only the 'Greens' all over the world intend to use their creative power to reshape our lives meaningfully. For this reason your vote for the 'Greens' is your vote for a better world.'