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Ulrike Gabriel «Breath»

 John Cage
«Writing for the Second Time Through Finnegans Wake»

5 onomatopoetic texts that John Cage often recited himself in public performances. «Muoyce» is the fifth and last «writing through» the text by James Joyce. First recorded on Friday, December 1, 1979 at the Intermedia Theatre in New York City. The original two-record set featured many other poets and performance artists such as Frank Zappa, William Burroughs, Patti Smith, and Philip Glass. In 1992, Cage republished the reading in the context of the radio play «Roaratorio,» produced by Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Cologne (WDR) / Süddeutscher Rundfunk, Stuttgart (SDR) / Hilversum, Katholieke Radio Omroep.