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Aziz, Anthony; Cucher, Sammy (Aziz/Cucher) «Faith, Honor and Beauty»
Aziz, Anthony; Cucher, Sammy (Aziz/Cucher), «Faith, Honor and Beauty», 1992
Screenshot | © Aziz, Anthony; Cucher, Sammy (Aziz/Cucher)

Aby M. Warburg »Mnemosyne-Atlas«

 Aziz, Anthony; Cucher, Sammy (Aziz/Cucher)

Anthony Aziz
*1961 in Lunenburg, Massachusetts (USA); studies at theMassachusetts College of Art in Boston and the San Francisco Art Institute (1990 Master of Fine Arts); known for his photographic work of digital recompositing in collaboration with Sammy Cucher.

Sammy Cucher
*1958 in Caracas (Venezuela); studies theater and film at the University of Tel Aviv (Israel), at New York University and at the San Francisco Art Institute (1992 Master of Fine Arts). Artistic collaboration with Anthony Aziz.