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Marcel Odenbach «The Consumption of My Own Criticism»
Marcel Odenbach, «The Consumption of My Own Criticism», 1976 – 1979
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Achim Wollscheid «light-net»

 Marcel Odenbach
«The Consumption of My Own Criticism»

My work splits up into three phases.
During the first phase, in which a videotape is made, I am concerned with conserving the passive consumer behaviour of television viewers. The way contemporary TV is made calls for passive consumption, since ratings are decisive for programming. Time and chances of establishing alternatives to passivity are being wasted by commercial entertainment programmes. By displaying on the screen my own consumerist attitude during the public performance (Phase 2), I apply as communicator the one-way principle governing the policies of the existing broadcasting companies. Due to the narcotizing effect of the media, it is very difficult for consumers to recognize their own consumption. I act the way television tells me to and consume my own criticism, since the effect of one-way communication tends to be reinforcement rather than understanding. I end the performance by shutting in between the screen and armchair my TV face – on the videotape that conserves my passivity as TV viewer (Phase 3).


Marcel Odenbach