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Marcel Odenbach «Piano Concerto for Three Hands and Horribly Out-of-Tune Instruments»
Marcel Odenbach, «Piano Concerto for Three Hands and Horribly Out-of-Tune Instruments», 1984
© ;
The concept drawing for the exhibition.

Valie Export »Facing a Family«

 Marcel Odenbach
«Piano Concerto for Three Hands and Horribly Out-of-Tune Instruments»

The installation consists of three monitors, i.e. three different kinds of video tapes and two objects. The keyboard of a piano serves as the static metaphor on all three monitors. Movement is produced within this static object by its use in three different ways, each of which also appears on one monitor. Real fields of tension are created by the sequence of associations coupled with the respective use of the piano, i.e. with one monitor on a single level each. Sequences of hectically recorded images are inserted into the instrument in different ways, but always with a thematic connection. I chose the piano as the basic component because, aside from its personal significance to me in connection with classical music, it also expresses and symbolizes bourgeois culture to me.
The atmospheric images created by the installation have a great deal to do with Germany.


Marcel Odenbach