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Blank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! Interface
Blank & Jeron, «Dump Your Trash!», 1998
Dump Your Trash! Interface | Screenshot | © Blank & Jeron

Blank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! InterfaceBlank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! InterfaceBlank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! InterfaceBlank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! InterfaceBlank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! HomepageBlank & Jeron «Dump Your Trash!» | Dump Your Trash! Recycling

Categories: Internet

Keywords: Object | Recycling

Works by Blank & Jeron:

Making Sense of it All


Christian Möller «Electro Clips»

 Blank & Jeron
«Dump Your Trash!»

In the modern world, there is an over-abundance of information as a raw material for art. Working under the project name ‘', Blank & Jeron have since 1997 been addressing the concept of information and the problems raised by information smog (or garbage) in the information economy, and have presented and developed their own information-recycling concepts. The duo's Internet projects ‘without_addresses' (1997) and ‘Dump Your Trash!' (1998) ironically blur the thin dividing line separating information from disinformation, and question the ‘true' value of information in our society (whereby the German words for ‘true' and ‘merchandise' sound suspiciously alike).
Customers of the home-page recycling service ‘Dump Your Trash!' simply enter their Web address in the form provided, and are issued with an electronic collection note specifying a sero server address. There they find a counterfeit reproduction of the home page, now looking as if its components have been sculpted in porous, dark grey sandstone. Customers have the further option of ordering the stonemason production of marble or granite slabs inscribed with epitaphs and identical in appearance to the recycled home page.