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Richard Kriesche «Elektronic Milieu»
Richard Kriesche, «Elektronic Milieu», 1984

 Richard Kriesche
«Elektronic Milieu»

'Elektronik Milieu' was part of an exhibition shown in four rooms of the Berlin DAAD gallery in 1984 along with ‘Video Milieu', ‘Light-Text-Sound Milieu' and ‘Computer Milieu'. The artist sits at a table, typing in characters via a computer keyboard. He is wearing a blindfold with small LEDs on its front. The blindfold is connected to a computer, so that the LEDs show the letters Kriesche is typing. In this piece, the artist is at once transmitter and receiver, is both artistic subject and object. 'The resultant lack of distance,' said Kriesche, ‘makes the opposition between manual and non-manual labour redundant. In this electronic milieu, the controlling mind possesses neither time nor space.'