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Guy Debord «Society of spectacle» | Cover of 1st edition, 1967
Guy Debord, «Society of spectacle», 1967
Cover of 1st edition, 1967 | © Guy Debord

Guy Debord «Society of spectacle» | Cover of 1st edition, 1967Guy Debord «Society of spectacle» | Cover (American Edition)Guy Debord «Society of spectacle» | Cover (American Edition)Guy Debord «Society of spectacle» | play video
France | 90' | Concept: Guy Debord | Music: Michel Corrett | Participants: John Ford, Nicholas Ray, Josef von Sternberg, Raoul Walsh, Orson Welles, Sam Wood | Schnitt: Martine Baraqué | Edition / Production: Christian Rentretien | Archive / Collection: ZKM Videosammlung, Karlsruhe

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 Guy Debord
«Society of spectacle»

In 1967, I pointed out in my book, «The Society of the Spectacle,» what forms the essence of the modern spectacle: the self-satisfaction of the merchandise economy raised to the status of irresponsible sovereignty, and forming in its entirety the new governing techniques, which work hand in hand with this power. Since nowhere has the unrest of 1968 continued over the following years in different countries succeeded in overthrowing the ruling social order, the spectacle, which, so to speak, springs spontaneously from this, has grown even stronger on all sides.

(Source: Guy Debord, «Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels», Critica Diabolis 65, edition Tiamat, Berlin, 1996; Verlag Klaus Bittermann ,