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Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»
Achim Wollscheid, «imaginary soundscapes», 1999
© Achim Wollscheid

Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»Achim Wollscheid «imaginary soundscapes»

Categories: radio | Internet

Keywords: Music | Participation

Works by Achim Wollscheid:



Jochen Gerz »Leben«

 Achim Wollscheid
«imaginary soundscapes»

'imaginary soundscapes' used 'radio' as a device as part of their project planning for 'Radio X' in Frankfurt/M.. It became part of an information and composition cycle for a tendentially open group of artists and composers. It is 'imaginary soundscapes‘' aim and intention to use the period between 2 and 8 a.m. to play a composition that does not repeat itself, but is ordered in terms of composition and structure. (…)
'imaginary soundscapes' is based on a suite of (computer) programs developed for this purpose. Each participant (min. 4, max. 14) has direct access (by modem) to 2 sections: a method and a sound memory. And so it is possible at any time to add new samples to the sound memory as if to an archive and to erase old ones that are no longer needed; in the same way the memory containing the composition matrix (of whatever kind it may be) can be adapted to the latest state of affairs or programme.
Every player has a certain programme day (for example, 7 participants would divide up 7 weekdays between themselves, and if there were 14 players the rhythm would be over 14 days, etc.). On this day he can play a composition that is already stored in the method memory, but he can also intervene in the programme that is running. The radio makes direction and 'live control' possible.
In the same way – and this is the particular feature of 'imaginary soundscapes' – participants can access other participants‘ method and sound memories. (…)
The individual has control of access to the archives in each case: he can decide the extent to which others are allowed to use and possibly reprogramme sounds and methods.. (…)
Thus the radio makes it possible for all players and listeners to take part in the development and present state of the composition.


Achim Wollscheid