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Paul Sermon «Telematic Dreaming»
Paul Sermon, «Telematic Dreaming», 1992
Photography | © Paul Sermon

Deborah Hay »Solo«

 Paul Sermon
«Telematic Dreaming»

«Telematic Dreaming» (1992) turns a bed into the support of high-resolution images that might show a partner, intimately alive although being thousand kilometers away. The light-intense projection of the other results in a remarkable suggestion which turns the touch of the projected body into an intimate action. Sermon aims at expanding the senses of the user, while it is obvious that the other cannot really be touched but that only swift, decisive, possibly tenderly reactive movements can experience the suggestion of touch—a moment of contemplation, as many users observed. The synaesthetical, sensual impression lets the hand and the eye fuse, and it is this effect that characterizes this work as well as the works to come in the following years, in collaboration with Andrea Zapp.
Oliver Grau