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Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»
Wolfgang Staehle, «The Thing», 1991
© Wolfgang Staehle
Netzwork 1999: (Berlin) (New York) (Wien) (Basel) (Amsterdam) (Frankfurt)

Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»Wolfgang Staehle «The Thing»

Categories: Internet

Keywords: Distribution | Group

Works by Wolfgang Staehle:

empire 24/7| Towards Victory

Programming: Max Kossatz, Jan Gerber | Edition / Production: Ricardo Dominguez, Brian Boucher

Sommerer/Mignonneau «Trans Plant»

 Wolfgang Staehle
«The Thing»

«The Thing» was the first project to emerge from the conceptually-oriented art scene into the data nets' realm of communication, distribution, and production. At the end of 1991, «The Thing» entered the telephone net in New York as a simple mailbox or bulletin board system (BBS). The next stage, «The Thing Cologne», came in 1992; then, in November 1993, came «The Thing Vienna» and others. The most (inter)active area of «The Thing» is the various message boards, forums for discussions, continuing dialogs, and open streams of information.
Since 1995, «The Thing» has been present with a new user-interface in the Internet's World Wide Web. Here, too, it functions as a platform for the production and presentation of art and its discourse.