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Wolf Vostell «TV Dé-coll/age for Millions»
Wolf Vostell, «TV Dé-coll/age for Millions», 1959 – 1963

Nam June Paik «Baroque Laser»

 Wolf Vostell
«TV Dé-coll/age for Millions»

Excerpt from the score 'TV-Dé-collage Ereignisse für Millionen', written by Vostell in 1963 or thereabouts:
'3 minutes of blurred tv programme. because the broadcasting station has deliberately blurred the transmission quality of the film, millions of viewers take three minutes to notice that their tv set is not defective. (presumably millions of people will fumble with their tv sets and try to adjust the picture.)'
Peter Weibel pursued a similar idea in 'The Endless Sandwich'.