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Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz «Watteau»
Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz, «Watteau» Camerafahrten mit Automobil, 1987
Photography | © Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz

Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz «Watteau»Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz «Watteau»Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz «Watteau»Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz «Watteau»

Categories: Action | Film | Public Space

Keywords: Cinema | Interface | Light

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Alfons Schilling «Dunkelkammerhut»

Kassel | Germany | 2 h | VW Golf Typ II | Concept: Florian Kleinefenn, Fritz Rahmann | action in public space

 Kleinefenn, Florian; Rahmann, Fritz
«Watteau: Camerafahrten mit Automobil»

«We’re driving a VW-Golf down the Karlsaue, behind the marble spa complex. We invite you to ride along for a while. A camera obscura is built into the cabin of the car. Inside, one sees what is outside. So throughout the ride, the driver and passengers see only the projection in motion. This is live cinema. Both the «film» and the making of the film are shown simultaneously. The driving is done with great care. The space between the surrounding objects, pedestrians, and the car, is totally here-and-now. One also sees this from outside. Ultimately it would be possible to present outside what one sees inside. What seems like a needlessly complicated method has many effects on the way in which one customarily sees. The objects hidden in systems of conveyance become visible. For us, the camera obscura is a sense-conscious and philosophical device. The park is an artwork, the picture is nature itself, and the people in the park a part of the picture. The park turns both its manner and movement into theatrical appearances. And the park lies in a realm between public and private spheres. Watteau painted this very situation.»

(Source: Florian Kleinefenn/Fritz Rahmann in: Katalog documenta 8, vol. 2, Kassel, 1987, p. 298.)