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Julia Scher «Welcome to Securityland»
Julia Scher, «Welcome to Securityland», 1995
Screenshot | Photograph: ZKM | © Julia Scher

 Julia Scher
«Welcome to Securityland»

In her homepage «Welcome to Securityland,» Julia Scher installed four of its sections in a fictional building:« one house,» «consent clinic,» «predictive engineering,» «the glossary.» The pages operate with intended misunderstandings, fabricated instructions, and repeated error reports. In the so-called «consent clinic,» Internet users send their inquiries per E-mail to a kind of pseudo-electronic-Internet-psycho-nurse, and then retrieve a published answer or prescription. The participants’ questions and answers can be commented and improved upon by the other participants. The series of questions and answers address the use of cultural control and personal practices in public spaces.
(Source: Hans Dieter Huber «Welcome to Securityland. Die Globalisierung von Kommunikation und Kultur im Internet», in: kritische berichte. Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, y. 25, 1997, Issue 1 , pp. 70–79.)