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Frederike Pezold «Radio Free Utopia»
Frederike Pezold, «Radio Free Utopia», 1977
© Frederike Pezold
Friederike Pezold with a Sony video camera during the realization of her 'Radio Free Utopia' project.

 Frederike Pezold
«Radio Free Utopia»

Like the ATV group, 'Radio Free Utopia' was committed to the ideal of defining its own programme: 'I produce and broadcast whatever I want to,' declared Friedrike Pezold, 'however and whenever I want to, in order to put into effect utopias – freedom first and foremost – in accordance with the following motto: less is more, and/or quality instead quantity.' Releasing transmitter and receiver from the grip of the state radio and television monopoly, Friederike Pezold's portable transmitting unit broadcast without radio waves, cables and satellite, yet was mobile enough to potentially reach every single viewer. Friederike Pezold had forged plans for her future in view of the emergent private TV: ‘(…) when private satellite and cable TV exists, and time – slots – is the goal, then these private satellite and cable TV producers will score at least thirty (30!) goals, while art producers will scarcely even have a chance to shoot a goal – and usually miss when they do. The audiences will jeer, the players get sent off, and art producers won’t be on the field for the next game. Well, I have no intention of playing that game, I preferred to invent one with my own rules.'
Utopian programmes broadcast by 'rfu' were, among others, 'No.7: 'hans im glück’', 'No.11: 'radio freies papua', 'No. 24: 'radio freies mafia', 'Nr. 27: 'das neue ensemble der frau anna'.