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Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»
Pipilotti Rist, «Remake of the Weekend», 1998
© Pipilotti Rist

Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»Pipilotti Rist «Remake of the Weekend»

Categories: Installation

Keywords: Feminism | Pop

Works by Pipilotti Rist:

Ever is Over All| Pickelporno


Nam June Paik »Kuba-TV«| Nam June Paik »Wrap around the World«

 Pipilotti Rist
«Remake of the Weekend»

Pipilotti Rist, the Swiss video artist, musician and performer won a DAAD scholarship to Berlin in 1996. As a result of her one-year stay the Neue Nationalgalerie in the Hamburger Bahnhof mounted a large-scale exhibition with several video installations, the largest of which was a new work called 'Remake of the Weekend'. Pipilotti Rist produced a light, floating effect by constructing a three dimensional, life-size version of a bus by using back projection screens. The uniform sound track created a dreamy basic mood and a subjective, unusual perspective of a bus journey – not as catastrophic as the one by Jean-Luc Godard in his film 'Weekend', but also not as pointedly from a female point of view as other works. The Berlin video bus is an organic, fluent, slow-motion structure made up of shapes, colours and a naked male passer-by.


Rudolf Frieling