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Bruce Nauman «Slow Angle Walk»
Bruce Nauman, «Slow Angle Walk», 1969
© ; Video Data Bank Chicago

Nam June Paik «Primitive Music»

 Bruce Nauman
«Slow Angle Walk»

Like with so many of Nauman’s video and film works from 1968 to 1969, this early video tape too, investigates the human body as an instrument of the consciousness: «The camera lies on its side and registers for an hour everything that happens in the studio. The actor, Nauman himself, moves back and forth through the space with stiffened legs, disregarding the logic of a straight line. This method suggests the pages of description found in [Beckett’s] ‹Molloy› in which the protagonist stumbles forward on stiffened legs without bending a knee or stopping.»

(Source: Bruce Nauman. Image/Text 1966–1996, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Hatje-Cantz: Ostfildern, 1997, p. 69.)