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Rebecca Horn «White Body Fan»
Rebecca Horn, «White Body Fan», 1972
Photograph: Achim Thode | © Rebecca Horn

John Cage »4'33''«

 Rebecca Horn
«White Body Fan»

While Rebecca Horn's more recent work has been determined by a poetical deployment of mechanical constructions, this object – a metal construction measuring 300 cm in diameter – belongs to the film 'Performances II’, 1973, in which Rebecca Horn was preoccupied still with extending her own body into space. Besides the 'White Body Fan’, body extensions also figured in the performances 'Einhorn' ('Unicorn'), 'Kopf-Extension' ('Head Extension'), 'Bleistiftmaske' ('Pencil Mask'), 'Meine Hand kann fliegen' ('My Hand Can Fly'), 'Gavin', 'Hahnenmaske' (Cockfeather Mask'), 'Fingerhandschuhe' ('Finger Gloves') and 'Kakadu-Maske' ('Cockatoo Mask'). She produced a variation on this work with the action 'Mechanischer Körperfächer' ('Mechanical Body Fan') in 1974.