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E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology | E.A.T. - Groupphoto, Brooklyn Museum, New York | E.A.T. - Groupphoto, Brooklyn Museum, New York
E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology
E.A.T. - Groupphoto, Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1966 | © E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology

Valie Export «Eros/ion»

 E.A.T. – Experiments in Art and Technology

Experiments in Art and Technology is a non-profit organization established to promote collaborations between artists and engineers within in industrial environment. In 1967, Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) was officially launched by Billy Klüver and Robert Rauschenberg after having collaborated for many previous projects, notably the festival «9 Evenings: Theater and Engineeering.» 1968 was the first time they could stage a major exhibition, «Some More Beginnings,» which presented a large number of innovative technical, electronic and other media projects. The Museum of Modern Art included prize-winning installations in their parallel show «The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age,» which was curated by Pontus Hultén. In 1970, the pavilion at the Expo in Osaka was another milestone of E.A.T. activities.