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Lynn Hershman «CybeRoberta» | Telematic puppet
Lynn Hershman, «CybeRoberta», 1970 – 1998
Telematic puppet | © Lynn Hershman

Chris Burden «TV-Spots»

 Lynn Hershman

b 1941 in Cleveland, Ohio (USA); She received a Masters of Art from San Francisco State University, with an emphasis on criticism. Since 1993 she is appointed Senior Professor for Electronic and Digital Arts at theUniversity of California. For the past 35 years, she has worked in a variety of media including photograhy, video and electronic sculpture and films, like «Conceiving Ada» (1993–97). Her artistic work also includes performances like the famous «Robert Breitmore» (1971–78) and interactive installations like «Lorna» (1979–83), «America´s Finest» (1994–95) und «Dolly Clones» (1995–98). In many works she deals with the aspect of «privacy in the era of surveillance». Lives and works in San Francisco, CA (USA).