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Wolf Vostell «Television Décollage» | score
Wolf Vostell, «Television Décollage», 1963
score | ©
Coinciding with his show in the Smolin Gallery and 'TV burial' at the YAM Festival, Vostell published this score for executed and potential future TV actions. This copy shows Vostell’s subsequent handwritten corrections.

Masaki Fujihata »Impressing Velocity«

 Wolf Vostell
«Television Décollage»

Vostell's first one-man show in New York in May 1963 was also the first public presentation of his TV works. The television pieces were exhibited together with other works soliciting spectator participation, as outlined in his concept paper: 'Environment: 6 TV sets with different programmes running / The picture is decollaged. & meltings / Pots with plastic toy airplanes melting due to heat. 6 grilled chickens on a canvas / Audience has to eat them off the picture. 6 chicken incubators / on canvas / the chickens to hatch on day of exhibition. Everyone receives an ampoule with liquid they can use to smear the magazines. Everything happens at once.'
In addition, one pack of grocieries is glued to each TV set.