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Valie Export «From the Underdog File»
Valie Export, «From the Underdog File», 1969
Photography | Photograph: Josef Tandl | ©
Photograph of the action with Valie EXPORT and Peter Weibel.

Handshake »Handshake«

 Valie Export
«From the Underdog File»

With a keen sense for art actions guaranteed to capture public attention, Valie Export playfully and provocatively radicalizes the relationship between the sexes by taking to an extreme women's liberation from male oppression. She walks her partner, Peter Weibel, on a leash, taking onto the streets an action aimed at documenting and revealing as a power game the relationship between the sexes. In contrast to the later term 'Performance', which generally related to a prescribed course of action in an art context, public ‘Actions’ were planned loosely enough to accommodate unexpected events and changes in procedure and content.