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Valie Export «Autohypnosis»
Valie Export, «Autohypnosis», 1969 – 1973

Abramovic, Marina; Ulay «Imponderabilia»

 Valie Export

‘Video systems have a socio-therapeutic dimension based, technologically speaking, on feedback, psychologically applied in the observation of one’s own behaviour, i.e. behavioural monitoring and correction. Here I convey this dimension in matrices derived from the psychology of learning: punishment and reward, desensitization and behavioural reinforcement as steps by which that line guaranteeing social adjustment through the social code can be followed between thought and deed.
Valie Export

A first interactive video installation in which the visitor paces out a specific code on the floor in order to trigger a signal to the video recorder, which then flashes a cheering crowd onto the monitor.